> 文章列表 > 描述春节活动画面英语




Before the Spring Festival, there are several activities that take place in preparation for the holiday. One of the most important traditions is cleaning the house. It is believed that cleaning the house before the Spring Festival can sweep away bad luck and make room for good fortune in the coming year. Families will thoroughly clean every corner of their homes, including sweeping the floors, dusting the furniture, and washing the windows. This activity not only helps to maintain a clean and tidy living environment but also symbolizes a fresh start for the new year.

Another activity that takes place before the Spring Festival is shopping for new clothes and decorations. It is customary for people to buy new clothes for themselves and their family members to wear during the holiday. This tradition signifies the start of a new year and brings a sense of excitement and anticipation. Moreover, families will also purchase festive decorations such as red lanterns, couplets, and paper-cuttings to adorn their homes and create a lively and joyful atmosphere.

During the Spring Festival, there are a variety of activities that people engage in to celebrate the holiday. One common activity is gathering with family and friends for a reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. This is a time for family members to come together, share a delicious meal, and reflect on the past year. It is considered the most important meal of the year and is often filled with traditional dishes symbolizing good luck and prosperity.

Another popular activity during the Spring Festival is setting off fireworks and firecrackers. The sounds of fireworks and firecrackers are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year. Fireworks displays can be seen in many cities and towns, lighting up the sky and creating a spectacular scene. People of all ages gather to watch the fireworks and celebrate the joyous occasion.

In addition to these activities, visiting temples and offering prayers is also a common tradition during the Spring Festival. Many people will visit temples and make offerings to deities, seeking blessings for health, wealth, and happiness in the new year. It is a solemn and spiritual activity that reflects the deep-rooted beliefs and values of the Chinese culture.


A father and his daughter went fishing together. They were enjoying a peaceful and relaxing day by the river. Suddenly, they noticed smoke rising from their house in the distance. They quickly rushed home to find a fire. Panicked, they grabbed buckets and ran to the nearest water source to put out the fire. Thankfully, they were able to extinguish the flames and save their home. Exhausted but relieved, they sat down and shared a heartfelt moment, grateful for each other\'s presence and quick action.


Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a special time for my family and me. Weeks before the holiday, we start preparing for the festivities. We clean the house from top to bottom, believing it will bring good luck for the upcoming year. The house is filled with the fragrance of incense and the vibrant colors of decorations. The reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve is the most important meal. We gather around the table, enjoying traditional dishes and sharing stories. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and warmth.

On New Year\'s Day, we exchange red envelopes called \"hongbao\" filled with money. It\'s a symbol of good luck and a way to show love and care for one another. The children are always excited to receive these red envelopes and see how much money they get. We also visit relatives and friends, bringing them gifts and well wishes for the new year. It\'s a time of connection and strengthening our bonds with loved ones.

During the Spring Festival, we watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, a TV show filled with performances and entertainment. It has become a tradition for many families to watch this show together. We also enjoy setting off fireworks and firecrackers, creating a festive and joyful atmosphere.

Overall, the Chinese New Year is a time of celebration, reunion, and reflection for my family. It is a cherished holiday that brings us closer together and fills our hearts with happiness and hope for the coming year.


On New Year\'s Eve, our family was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Some people were busy preparing a lavish feast in the kitchen, slicing vegetables, and marinating meat. The aroma of the delicious dishes filled the house, making everyone\'s mouth water. Others were setting the table, arranging the red tablecloth, and placing the traditional dishes in their designated spots.

Meanwhile, some family members were decorating the living room with red lanterns and couplets. Each decoration was carefully chosen to bring good luck and fortune for the upcoming year. The room was transformed into a vibrant and festive space, ready to welcome the arrival of the new year.

As the evening approached, some people were watching the annual TV gala, enjoying the performances and laughter. The TV screen became the center of attention, as we laughed at the comedy sketches and marveled at the spectacular acts.

Others were busy lighting fireworks and firecrackers outside. The sky was filled with colorful sparks, and the loud bangs filled the air. It was a moment of pure joy and exhilaration.

Throughout the evening, some family members were playing traditional games like mahjong, exchanging friendly banter and laughter. The sound of tiles being shuffled and laughter echoed through the house.

The night went on, and as the clock struck midnight, we gathered together for a toast, wishing each other a prosperous and joyful new year. It was a memorable night filled with love, laughter, and cherished family moments.


My Spring Festival was special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai, and our family was complete. We were all excited and happy to be together again after a long time apart.

On New Year\'s Eve, we gathered around the dining table, feasting on a sumptuous meal. Each dish was meticulously prepared, representing good luck and prosperity. As we tasted the delicious food, we couldn\'t help but savor the precious moments and the love we shared.

After dinner, we watched the famous CCTV Spring Festival Gala. It was a dazzling show filled with songs, dances, and acrobatics. We laughed and clapped along with the performers, feeling the festive spirit filling the room.

As the clock struck twelve, we made a toast to the new year with sparkling grape juice. We hugged each other tightly, letting go of any past grievances and embracing the future with hope and happiness.

The next day, we woke up to the sound of firecrackers. The streets were filled with a sea of red, as people exchanged greetings and well wishes. We visited relatives and friends, bringing gifts and chatting about the events of the past year.

The Spring Festival was a time of unity and love for our family. It was a time to reminisce, create new memories, and strengthen our bonds. The joy and warmth of those days will forever remain in our hearts, making it a truly unforgettable Spring Festival.


Hello everybody. Welcome to our New Year party! We will invite all of you to take part in interesting activities and celebrate the arrival of the new year together.

Firstly, we will have a traditional lion dance performance. The lion dance is a vibrant and energetic dance that originated in China and is performed during festivals to bring good luck and fortune. The dancers, dressed in colorful lion costumes, will showcase their acrobatic skills and interact with the audience. So get ready to be amazed and join in the fun!

Next, we have prepared a game called \"Guess the Riddle.\" Riddles are an integral part of the Chinese New Year celebration. They are usually written on red paper and pasted on walls or doors. Participants will be given riddles to solve, and those who answer correctly will receive small prizes. It\'s a great way to test your wit and have a good laugh with friends and family.

Finally, we will have a dumpling-making competition. Dumplings are a traditional food eaten during the Chinese New Year. We will provide the ingredients and wrappers, and you will have the opportunity to showcase your culinary skills by making delicious dumplings. The best dumplings will be selected based on taste, appearance, and creativity. It\'s not only a competition but also a chance to bond and have fun.

We hope you all will have a wonderful time at our New Year party. Let\'s celebrate the new beginnings, enjoy the festivities, and create lasting memories together!

初二英语上册有关新年的英语作文三篇 - veka0 的回答 - 懂得

Spring Festival is a perfect day because every Chinese, especially children, visit each other during the holiday and exchange red envelopes containing money as a gift. It\'s a joyful moment that gives children some lucky money. But I wasn\'t that lucky because I was out of town during the Spring Festival, visiting my grandparents. We couldn\'t participate in the traditional visits and red envelope exchanges. However, I still had a great time with my grandparents, and they gave me love and warmth, which are the best gifts I could ever ask for. Although I didn\'t experience the common New Year\'s customs, the love and care I received during that time made it a special and memorable Spring Festival for me.


My favorite show of the Spring Festival Gala Evening was a stunning acrobatics performance. The performers demonstrated incredible skills and flexibility, leaving the audience in awe. They gracefully balanced on tall poles, formed human pyramids, and twisted their bodies into unbelievable poses. The combination of music, lighting, and their breathtaking movements created a mesmerizing spectacle. It was a true display of talent and athleticism, making it a highlight of the Spring Festival Gala Evening. The audience erupted in applause and cheers, showing their appreciation for the skill and dedication of the performers.


Sure! Here\'s an introduction to the Spring Festival in Fujian: The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, holds great significance in Fujian. The celebrations in Fujian are characterized by vibrant traditions and customs that embody the rich culture of the province.

A major highlight of the Spring Festival in Fujian is the Dragon and Lion Dance. Colorful dragons and lions dance through the streets, accompanied by the sound of drums and cymbals. It is believed that the dance brings good luck and chases away evil spirits. The streets come alive with the energetic performances, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

Another unique tradition in Fujian is the \"Yueqin Play.\" Yueqin is a traditional musical instrument, and during the Spring Festival, performances are held featuring various musical ensembles playing the Yueqin. The melodic tunes fill the air, captivating the audience and showcasing the province\'s cultural heritage.

The Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations, is also celebrated in Fujian. Elaborate lanterns of different shapes and sizes are displayed in parks and public spaces. The lanterns are beautifully crafted and often depict traditional symbols and motifs. Visitors can admire the intricate designs and enjoy the magical atmosphere created by the illuminated lanterns.

Overall, the Spring Festival in Fujian is a time of joy, togetherness, and cultural pride. The province\'s unique traditions and customs make it a captivating destination to experience the vibrancy of Chinese New Year.


During Chinese Spring Festival, I witnessed the beauty of traditional customs and the joyous atmosphere. The streets were bustling with people, and red lanterns adorned every corner.

One of the highlights was a lion dance performance. Colorful lions pranced through the streets, accompanied by the rhythmic beat of drums and cymbals. It was a spectacle that filled everyone with excitement.

I also had the chance to participate in a traditional Chinese New Year\'s Eve reunion dinner. The table was filled with delicious delicacies, and we clinked our glasses together, toasting to a prosperous new year.

Traditional games like \"Bai Nian\" were played, where children would greet their elders and receive red envelopes filled with money. It was heartwarming to witness the exchange of blessings and the smiles on everyone\'s faces.

The night sky was lit up with magnificent fireworks displays. The colorful bursts illuminated the darkness and added to the festive ambiance. It was a sight that left me in awe of the grandeur of the celebrations.